Impressive Tunisia adopts an ethical and responsible for purchasing policy.

Kyranis travel/ Impressive Tunisia is committed to a studied  purchasing policy thanks to the implementation of responsible management. The management of business relations becomes crucial to the success of the company through an organized supply chain.
Our strategy objective is above all the satisfaction of the customers who are offered both an ecological and innovative approach.
Concerned about the ethical aspect of our company, our  collaborators converse with suppliers and subcontractors who adopt the same vision of our ethical charter.The latter are resrespectful of the regulations in force in this country and prohibit  minors’work while giving great importance to their agents’ security and health.
Impressive Tunisia opts for a responsible purchase policy and collaborates with the best suppliers so that its brand image is in harmony with its principles.
The Kyranis travel/ Impressive Tunisia event brand respects its internal Charter and carefully selects its suppliers who meet the expectations of the company which, for more transparency, doesn’t compromise with the principles .


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